Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dream for me, but dream it in color.

Goodnight Moon by Go Radio is such a gr8 song. Nom.

So my mom doesn't dig the fact that I'm dating a 19 year old girl. Whatever. Pretty sure age knows no gender nor age so she can hop off my dick.

I'm going to a hockey game tonight. It's the uh, special Olympics night or something. I think special needs people are pretty neat. All seriousness and no ignorance there.

The thing with suicide (again, this is from my point of view. I'm sure it differs from person to person) is that it's not just one event. Everyone thinks that, just because I'm just now admitting to it, that one thing has triggered this. No. False. Wrong. Wrong-o. Falso. No cierto. This is something I have been feeling for a long time. Not just a week or a few days. Nor does it ever really go away. Sure, there are days where I don't necessarily think about it. But, at the end of every day, it's still there. It's yet to go away. I'm not saying I'm going to go ahead and kill myself. But it's something I always think about it.

Maybe I cleared that up a little bit for whoever is(n't) reading this.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could make this feeling go away for you. Its so hard to see you hurting like this. It is something a lot of teenagers feel. I felt it and struggled with it too. It goes away but it takes talking about what is making you hurt and it takes learning to love yourself and realizing what your life means to you. I know it feels like it will never go away but it does. You just have to want it and work towards it. Grab your problems by the balls and show them who's boss. Its not a way out or a solution. Its a way of hiding and not dealing and leaving a wake of destruction.

    I'd be lost without you sister. I'm always listening and always thinking of you. If you need to come stay with me to help yourself then my door is wide open. xo
