Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Friday.


Last night I got to spend 3 hours wandering around Barnes and Noble with my favorite girl on the planet finding secret corners to kiss and just, you know, be together. It was fun.

I just got home from school. It's 5:26. Okay, maybe I've been home for about 15 minutes. But still. Why didn't I get home at a normal time? Well...

  • My friend told me I needed to find a ride home yesterday. At about 11 at night.
  • I asked my friend who can drive if she could take me home when I saw her before lunch today.
  • She had to work. Just my luck.
  • My friend's mom had to drive from a city about 20-30 minutes away from my school to pick me up.
  • She got stuck in traffic.
  • Yeah.
So now I'm sitting here in my uniform eating Simply Asia noodles and drinking sparkling Loganberry juice. (It's really good, you should try it.)

I missed Oprah. Pretty tore up about that.

I got to see my girl again today. And I get to see her again tomorrow.

Well, she isn't aware of that yet. But whatever.

Today I learned that everyone has their own story. Seriously. If you just take the time to get to know someone, you'll be so amazed. I learned so much about this one girl in just 20 minutes today. I feel so close to her. It's funny, because I've known her for almost 4 years now and never really took the time to get to know her because of what I thought of her, based off of what I had been told.

This just goes to show that whole "don't judge a book by it's cover" thing is totally fucking true. Don't listen to what anyone tells you. Form your own opinions cause, chances are, whoever you're listening to is full of shit.

Preaching is over.

I really love Katy Perry. She's great.

I think I'm getting ready to learn a bunch of new things. It's something I'm definitely looking forward to. I'm ready for whatever gets thrown at me. I feel like I need to put COME AT ME, BRO on my forehead.

Come at me, bro.

In other news, I actually have a life tonight!
If anyone really cares what kind of shenanigans I'm getting into tonight...
My school is putting on this pageant thing for the junior and senior guys. I got a free ticket(I stole it. No, I'm kidding I definitely don't have the balls to steal anything. My friend had an extra. Whatever.) so I decided I should go. I guess I'll see how this turns out.

There's free cookies so I mean... it's gotta be good, right?

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