Saturday, January 15, 2011

Now for your daily Emma gpoy!

It is current;y 12:46 and I am already showered, dressed, and have my hair and make-up did. (Barely. My hair looks like poop. It always does.) This must be some kind of miracle.

Well, I don't have pants on. But who needs pants anyways? Useless.

I, apparently, am going to a home basketball game today. Just what I want! To spend my Saturday evening with everyone I deal with during the week. Yay!

I shouldn't complain. I'd probably be surfing the interwebs all night if I stayed home.

I've been singing all morning. All. Morning. First to my stove, then my computer screen, then my shower head, and now my computer screen.
Thank God nobody can hear me. Bleck.

Have you ever wondered why cats chase their tails? You'd think after a certain amount of years of having one, they'd figure out it wasn't going anywhere...

Is tail movement voluntary or involuntary?

I just gave myself something to research.

Just recently learned I will be spending my spring break in California. So begins my rigorous workouts and never ending clothes shopping in hopes I will look great for that amazing period of time. I am so fucking excited for this. 

And I leave you with the thought of me looking like a body builder.

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