Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My head hurts.

Today was a fairly average day.

Well, no. Not really.
You see, yesterday, I let slip that I was suicidal. I wasn't making something up. I really do think about it. True, I'd even had it planned. Thing is, I wasn't planning on doing it anytime soon. I just always have had it there, as an escape plan, I guess.

Everyone freaked out. I mean, I'm sure they had good cause. I shouldn't say everyone. That makes it seem like I painted "I want to kill myself" on my forehead. No, I just told my school guidance counsellor. I've been visiting her office for quite a while now (that's another really long story). She immediately jumped to me staying in an in-patient facility for a few days. She called my mom, too. Maybe the hospital wouldn't be too bad. I guess that one movie is kind of my deciding factor. You know, It's Kind of a Funny Story. I never saw the movie, but I am reading the book. I figure most people have seen the movie rather than read the book. Whatever.

Anyways. That book doesn't make me want to stay in a looney bin. Sorry.

Random thought. Have you ever seen a fat English person?
I currently can't think of anyone...

Moving on.
I came home from school yesterday and the first thing my mom asked me was who pissed me off.
That's the thing about suicide. (At least for me, anyways). It's not just one specific person or event that happened. It's all of these events that just keep building up. Everyone knows I hate them. I don't hide that fact. They all piss me off to no end. I wouldn't kill myself over them. They're not really worth my time. (I don't really mean everyone. If you're in the class of 2014, chances are I hate you. I actually get along quite well with everyone else). It's been all of these (shit) events that keep building up. Looking back, they all kind of seem pretty petty. But, at the time, it sucked. No, actually, they still do suck. Not worth killing myself over, no. They just suck. I'll say it point blank though. I don't want to be here. I guess I mean here as in where I live and who I am surrounded by.

I think I say that a lot. I want to get out of here.
It's true.
Instead of the "WELCOME TO VIRGINA" sign it should say "WELCOME TO HELL!" with a warning sign under it. Like CAUTION: TURN BACK NOW.
I don't know.
I guess I've got all this stuff jumbled up in my head and I'm not really sure how to get it all out.

I made these really good noodles today. Like ramen, only loads healthier. Seriously. Simply Asia noodles. They are so good. You won't regret it.

(I don't know who "you" is. I have 0 followers.)


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