Saturday, January 15, 2011


So begins my 3-day weekend of studying, studying, and more studying!

This past week wasn't all that bad. I made it through. Which is good.

I got broken up with. That sucked a lot. Her reason?

The distance. I could be there in an hour if I could drive. Whatever. I'll get over it. People suck.

My hands always get really sweaty. So embarrassing. Ugh.

I have a 3 day weekend this weekend because Monday is MLK day (I always read that as MILK day. Time to drink milk!). On Tuesday, we have last minute exam review and, then, exams begin! Wednesday I get to take my Theology and Spanish finals and Thursday I have English and Math. Meh. Friday we don't have school again. Yay. And then it's finally 2nd semester.

I don't really have anything exciting to say, except that I'm about to go make a really bangin' breakfast. (Yes, I did just use the adjective "bangin".)

1 comment:

  1. There really is a MILK Day. Harvey Milk. Big day for gay rights. Look it up.

    And she sucks btw. That reason is totally bull.
