Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm not done.

I really hate locker locks.

I can never get mine open. For the past 3 weeks, I've had to get someone to open it for me. It sucks. A lot.

While we're listing things I hate...

  • Deja vu. Seriously. Had it today. Wanted to punch myself in the dick.
  • Homophobes. Hop off my dick and let me love who I love. 
  • Those really aggravating girls with the really aggravating laughs. Oh my god. Shut up before I chop your tits off and feed them to starving children in Africa.
  • Oranges. Seriously. So gross. Their smell makes me feel violent.
  • When people underestimate me. Seriously. I'm capable of a lot more than you think.
  • People who dress their animals and put their children on leashes. There is just so much wrong with those two scenarios.
  • When people bitch about the language in books like To Kill A Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn. Seriously. Stfu. Travel back to the time setting of this place and tell me that isn't how everyone talked. You're erasing history. Go be dicks somewhere else.
I'm sure there are plenty of other things I can't stand. I'll list things I love while I'm at it.
  • Hugs. Not those awkward hugs where people just pat your back or those really annoying hugs where people squeeze the shit out of you(literally). Those really good hugs. They're great.
  • Anything that sparkles, really. 
  • Easy A. Best. Fucking. Movie. Ever.
  • Girls. Whatcanisay.
  • Nutella. Seriously, that stuff is good on anything. Nutella could make dog shit taste like heaven. I haven't tried, but I don't doubt it.
  • Mexican Food. I fucking love it.
Alright, I don't really know what else. But still. Okay. Well.
Hi, I'm Emma.

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