I got glasses over the weekend.
Do I look nifty or what?
Oddly, they haven't helped my vision that much. I always think those eye exams are just about how good you are at guessing letters. That's all I ever do. I guess that's how I've gotten away with having "perfect vision" for the past 15 years. Whatever. At least I can see a little better.
I have finals this week. I took my first 2 today. My Spanish 2 exam was so fucking hard. Seriously. I don't know if I passed. If I failed the exam, I should have a high enough grade to still pass the class. I hope so. Ugh. Theology was really fucking easy. It should raise my final grade, lol.
I have English and Algebra tomorrow. Algebra will be a walk in the park. Only because we have these awesome inventions called calculators. Saved. My. Life. English is gonna be kind of sucky, I think. Just the whole timed essay thing... ya know?
Anyways. I'm taken. Again.
Same girl.
3rd time's a charm, right? Guess we'll see.
How cute.
Uhm, so I go to a private Catholic school and everything. We wear the uniforms and on out of uniform days(which we call TAG days), we're not supposed to wear sweat pants. We get 3 TAG days during exam week. But, I mean, who wants to get all dressed up to take an exam? So, I decided that I am just wearing sweat pants tomorrow. Fuck the system!
I already gave them my money, so whatever.
I'm debating on coloring my hair.
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